South West Coast Path 2009

Day 5, 41.6 km (25.8 miles)
October 11, 2009, 1:48 pm
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Westward Ho! – Cornwall


I made a resolution to repair the camera at any cost. I had a chance to do that four days later (more on that in the next posts). The day was hot and sunny again. There was a lot of forest walking before lunch and so I was hidden away from the sun most of the time. I ended up in a small village named Clovelly by midday and spent about an hour resting in the harbor. I had a pastie and some fruit for lunch and considered going for a swim, but chickened out. The village was really cool – neatly positioned in a valley shaped bay, with steep stone paved streets and cute white houses.

I really got into eating blackberries and sometimes I would stop for a couple of minutes to get a mouthful. Towards the end of the afternoon I reached Hartland Point after which the coastline dives South. I encountered my first Kelly’s  ice cream kiosk there and had a vanilla cone. It was wonderful! I should mention that I was very low on food at that point. If I remember correctly all I had was about 50g of Pringles, a few shortbread bars and about 100g of cereal. I would have eaten way more ice cream if I knew that the next shop would be in Bude (30 km away).

By the end of the day I came very close to Cornwall border (or so I thought). I camped in a valley right next to a river and some guys from Cornwall who drove out here to do some fishing. I talked to one of the guys (Dave) and confirmed my location. We discussed my ultralight camp and he walked away very impressed:) The sunset was once again to die for, which made my desire to repair the camera even stronger. The air in the valley was very still and so I expected a lot of dew. I ate pretty much all the food I had, had some tea and went to bed.

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